Tuesday 6 November 2012

Corruption in Indian Politics

looking at scams that are coming out and kind of politiciens ducking the issues... it becomes very clear that corruption is present very much.  The way politiciens are making money is very disturbing. 

On this back ground do you think average citizen should be worried and express his consern and dissatifaction.

Looks like what Anna Hazare & the team trying to highlight is correct.  We all should find ways of saying what current politiciens are doing is not acceptable and not helping nation and humanity in long run.

Please express your views in multiple ways. Help your self by expressing your thoughts.

We can express in multiple ways.. individually and collectively

- Participate in signaure campains conducted my many organizations
- Refuse to give bribe to gain in short term
- keep distance from people who's earnings are illgotton
- Educate your near and dear ones
- in India there is RTI - Right To Infomation - in force,... initiate queries on wrong programs / individuals / companies
- Participate in local campains
- share informaiton on corruption/ corrupt people  in social media
- Taks small steps to expose corruption and prevent its growth
Ashok J

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